Friday, June 13, 2014

10 Years Later - Side 1 of Hot Fuss

Meet someone born between 1987 and 1991, and chances are The Killers 2004 debut Hot Fuss holds some kind of emotional significance for them. That group was in middle school and high school when Hot Fuss was released 10 years ago in June 2004.  (I would argue that those of us in the class of 2008 have the largest claim to Hot Fuss inspired emotional resonance, since we were preparing to enter ninth grade - deep in the throes of puberty and mid-2000's emo.)

The Killers - Hot Fuss - June 15, 2004

However, talking about Hot Fuss isn't really talking about Hot Fuss. We're really only talking about side 1 of Hot Fuss, those magical first five tracks that swept in, grabbed hold of our hearts, and refused to let go until we admitted that, yeah, sometimes we like to feel things. (It should here be noted that I'm referring to side 1 as the natural first half of the album, tracks 1-5. LP versions of Hot Fuss include "Andy You're a Star" on side 1, but the less said about that disaster the better.)